Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Free Download Bob's World 1.153

Free Download Bob's World 1.153

Download Bob's World 1.153 For Free

Fans of classic platform games cannot miss the opportunity to play on their Android devices the colorful adventures of the intrepid Bob in Bob's World

This OneSoft Global game is undoubtedly another "tribute" to one of the most classic platform games. Bob's World is a compressed version of the Mario Bros games that were so successful on Nintendo. As you surely expect, your goal will be to travel the different levels jumping from platform to platform to rescue the princess. Would you like to experience a return to those afternoons of your childhood in front of the TV?

Application Details

  • Name : Bob's World
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 1.153
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : OneSoft Global PTE. LTD.
To play this game we only need four controls: left and right (located in the left corner of the screen) and jump and shoot (right in the other corner). You will l need to get items to make yourself bigger and be able to shoot bombs.

Defeat enemies by jumping or shooting at them (which costs money), collect coins, find items, increase your skills, break bricks and blocks with your head and jump from one platform to another without falling to advance to the next level. There are nine worlds with 16 different levels and scenarios, including underground and aquatic worlds, meadows, dungeons, and castles. In addition, you can use the coins you get to trade them for special items and abilities in the shop.

This game does not give us anything new, beyond a nice scenario with high-resolution graphics. If you are looking for strong emotions, maybe you should look for them in another game. What you will find here is exactly what you expect. And maybe that is its main attraction.
If you're looking for the latest version of Bob's World for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download Bob's World for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1..

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